- PARTIAL and PENDING statuses (Corporate Access Authorization API) FAQ
- Corporate Access Authorization FAQ
- Signature creation FAQ
- eIDAS QsealC Certificate/PSD2 (Compliance) Onboarding FAQ
- What is a Software Statement Assertion (SSA) required for onboarding?
- Can I access my live personal data via your APIs?
AIS (Account Information Service)
- Retrieving maximum transaction history
- Can I get Cards data using the auth v5 endpoint?
- Children accounts (Accounts API) FAQ
- booking_date parameter (Corporate Accounts API) FAQ
- Balance types (Business/Corporate Accounts APIs) FAQ
- Issues with consent – missing accounts
PIS (Payment Initiation Service)
- Signing Key (Corporate Payout API) FAQ
- How to handle confirming/signing multiple payments using redirect ?
- Corporate Payment API FAQ
- Creditor address (Corporate Payments API) FAQ
- How to handle duplicate payments
- PendingSecondConfirmation payment status FAQ (Payments API SEPA credit transfer)
Sandbox and Developer portal
- How can I get started signing with eIDAS?
- Step by step guide to getting started with Postman
- How to update an existing self-signed certificate for Premium APIs - user guide
- Extracting Self-signed Public Certificate (for Premium APIs) in txt format - quick guide
- Creating an App and requesting for PSD2 subscription in Production Developer Portal - quick guide
- Production Developer Portal password reset