Registration / login doesn't work.
If your first time registration doesn't work for some reason, please try to register again with the same or any other e-mail address.
Some special domains get blocked by the spam filter (such as hotmail and some corporate ones as well), in which case you will never receive the confirmation e-mail.
If you are unable to receive the confirmation e-mail, please try registering again by using a Gmail account as a workaround and let us know of the domain you were trying to register with.
Activation link doesn't work or gives error.
Please try copy pasting the link in to a new browser window.
Some e-mail clients cuts off some parts of the link, resulting in an invalid link and the activation failing, so try copying the link manually instead of clicking it.
The activation link will become inactive after 24 hours from registration e-mail being sent. If you don't activate your account within that time window, please create a ticket:
Nordea Open Banking contact form
I wish to change my e-mail address and/or username. How do I do that?
Currently it is not possible. Just register with the new e-mail and create new application with that.
I registered already but I didn't get any e-mails related to Nordea Open Banking.
You should check your inbox for e-mails from domain:
Please check your spam folder or thrash bin in case the registration e-mail is there.