Payments API SEPA credit transfer
In your API documentation there is written:
"Payments that require additional confirm will have Status:'PendingSecondConfirmation' together with tpp message: 'This payment requires additional confirmation. It must be before midnight (24.00) on the following banking day otherwise payment will be rejected. Please note that each payment needs to be confirmed separately'. TPP need to invoke '/v4/payments/sepa/confirm' again with same 'payment id'. Multiple payment ids are not allowed to be re-confirmed at this point. Once endpoint is successfully invoked payment Status will then change to 'PendingUserApproval', tpp_message: 'This payment requires additional confirmation. It must be before midnight (24.00) on the following banking day otherwise payment will be rejected. Please note that each payment needs to be confirmed separately.' PSU should authenticate on redirect to NASA interface."
Does this mean that after the status PendingSecondConfirmation is received we have to call:
PUT /personal/v4/payments/sepa/confirm
endpoint again, redirect the PSU (Payment Service User) to authenticate and confirm the payment the second time?
Yes, after status PendingSecondConfirmation, above endpoint needs to be called and there will be a new signing link in the response - PSU has to sign the payment again using that link.
Is PendingSecondConfirmation status relevant only for Finland?
Yes, it's for Finland only.
Can we test invoking:
PUT /personal/v4/payments/sepa/confirm
endpoint in Sandbox environment?
For now there is no possibility to test it in Sandbox.